Pivoting Data in SQL vs. R

Thursday, November 22, 2018 · 6 minute read

Often with education data, I need to pivot data to go from long format to wide. For instance, I often have test scores for different test subjects of a single assessment. For one student, I will have to rows, one for one subject and one for another. This also happens for strands and domains of a test.


con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), "nicodemus")

query <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from Demo.dbo.tbl_testScore")
testScore <- dbFetch(query)

testScore <- as_tibble(testScore)

## # A tibble: 16 x 4
##    personID testName testSubject scaleScore
##       <dbl> <chr>    <chr>            <dbl>
##  1     1000 MCA-III  Math               344
##  2     1000 MCA-III  Reading            350
##  3     1001 MCA-III  Math               323
##  4     1001 MCA-III  Reading            312
##  5     1002 MCA-III  Math               375
##  6     1002 MCA-III  Reading            383
##  7     1003 MCA-III  Math               311
##  8     1003 MCA-III  Reading            302
##  9     1004 MCA-III  Math               355
## 10     1004 MCA-III  Reading            352
## 11     1005 MCA-III  Math               323
## 12     1005 MCA-III  Reading            320
## 13     1006 MCA-III  Math               312
## 14     1006 MCA-III  Reading            309
## 15     1007 MCA-III  Math               356
## 16     1007 MCA-III  Reading            365

Above is a very simple table of test scores where personID is the unique identifier, and records duplicate by testSubject for each student. How would I break out testSubject as columns and put the scaleScore in the values of those columns? Like say then to plot on a scatterplot?

Pivoting in SQL

In SQL, the syntax is the following. It’s important to note (as opposed to the dplyr option later) that this is an aggregate function. So the pivot function requires some aggregate like MAX(), MIN(), SUM(), or AVG(). You choose the column to pivot out and then the values you want to place in those new columns given some aggregation. Since I know I only have one record for each student + test subject combination, I chose MAX() to just give me that one score.

select *
from Demo.dbo.tbl_testScore
  MAX(scaleScore) for testSubject in ([Math],[Reading]) --aggregate function of one column for another column, listing the unique possibilities in brackets.
) piv
## # A tibble: 8 x 4
##   personID testName  Math Reading
##      <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1     1000 MCA-III    344     350
## 2     1001 MCA-III    323     312
## 3     1002 MCA-III    375     383
## 4     1003 MCA-III    311     302
## 5     1004 MCA-III    355     352
## 6     1005 MCA-III    323     320
## 7     1006 MCA-III    312     309
## 8     1007 MCA-III    356     365

There you have it! Pretty straight-forward. One major downside to pivoting in SQL is that you need to know exactly the unique values of the pivoting column. In our example, I had to hardcode Math and Reading in the brackets, and I knew that this test only has these two subjects. But what if the pivoting column has an unknown number of values, or the data changes?

It makes sense that a database programming language wouldn’t have the function to automatically pivot out all the values, as RDBMS’s are highly structed.

Pivoting in R with dplyr

In the dplyr package you can use the spread() and gather() function to pivot and unpivot columns respectively. spread() requires that you put the pivoted column in key and the values you want to place in the pivoted columns in value.

testScore %>% 
  spread(key = testSubject, value = scaleScore)
## # A tibble: 8 x 4
##   personID testName  Math Reading
##      <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1     1000 MCA-III    344     350
## 2     1001 MCA-III    323     312
## 3     1002 MCA-III    375     383
## 4     1003 MCA-III    311     302
## 5     1004 MCA-III    355     352
## 6     1005 MCA-III    323     320
## 7     1006 MCA-III    312     309
## 8     1007 MCA-III    356     365

Same result as above with SQL. What I struggled with the most initially with this function (coming from the SQL world) was that there must be only one value to put in the pivoted columns; otherwise, it erors. The SQL solution, on the other hand, has you put an aggregate function, so that if it meets two values, it has an aggregation to get to one.

What if you don’t have unique values to pivot in R?

Let’s say in our example that a student had two Math and Reading scores and you needed to take the maximum for each subject. See the table below where the last student has two more records.

testScoreMore <- testScore %>% 
  add_row(personID = 1007, testName = "MCA-III", testSubject = "Math", scaleScore = 363) %>%
  add_row(personID = 1007, testName = "MCA-III", testSubject = "Reading", scaleScore = 395)
## # A tibble: 18 x 4
##    personID testName testSubject scaleScore
##       <dbl> <chr>    <chr>            <dbl>
##  1     1000 MCA-III  Math               344
##  2     1000 MCA-III  Reading            350
##  3     1001 MCA-III  Math               323
##  4     1001 MCA-III  Reading            312
##  5     1002 MCA-III  Math               375
##  6     1002 MCA-III  Reading            383
##  7     1003 MCA-III  Math               311
##  8     1003 MCA-III  Reading            302
##  9     1004 MCA-III  Math               355
## 10     1004 MCA-III  Reading            352
## 11     1005 MCA-III  Math               323
## 12     1005 MCA-III  Reading            320
## 13     1006 MCA-III  Math               312
## 14     1006 MCA-III  Reading            309
## 15     1007 MCA-III  Math               356
## 16     1007 MCA-III  Reading            365
## 17     1007 MCA-III  Math               363
## 18     1007 MCA-III  Reading            395

If I try to run the same code as above it gives an error:

testScoreMore %>% 
  spread(key = testSubject, value = scaleScore)
## Error: Duplicate identifiers for rows (15, 17), (16, 18)

I think the easiest solution is to just do your aggregation with group_by() and summarize() earlier in the pipeline, and then do your spread() after.

testScoreMore %>% 
  group_by(personID, testName, testSubject) %>% #get to unique identifiers with these two lines.
  summarize(scaleScore =  max(scaleScore)) %>% #using max here.
  spread(key = testSubject, value = scaleScore)
## # A tibble: 8 x 4
## # Groups:   personID, testName [8]
##   personID testName  Math Reading
##      <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1     1000 MCA-III    344     350
## 2     1001 MCA-III    323     312
## 3     1002 MCA-III    375     383
## 4     1003 MCA-III    311     302
## 5     1004 MCA-III    355     352
## 6     1005 MCA-III    323     320
## 7     1006 MCA-III    312     309
## 8     1007 MCA-III    363     395

Cool! Hey, now that we have columns for each subject, is there a relationship between them?

testScoreMore %>% 
  group_by(personID, testName, testSubject) %>% 
  summarize(scaleScore =  max(scaleScore)) %>% 
  spread(key = testSubject, value = scaleScore) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Math, y = Reading)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE)